
Lockdown and Self-Care

During lockdown gloabally, there were some interesting lessons to be learnt and some things to take away. There was to a degree a forced back to basics, which I believe was a truly invaluable experience both personally and professionally. If anything, I’ve become more engrossed in my profession and truly grateful for it. What will…

Educational Blogs – Top 3

I’ve stumbled across a number of really brilliant educational Blogs sharing ideas, experiences and resources. I’m sharing some of my favourite ones. Shake Up Learning Kasey runs Shake Up Learning which has pretty much everything an educator could want! Including a podcast, webinars, free resources and a lot focusing on using G-Suit in particular. Counselor…

Teaching With Slam Poetry

What is slam poetry? Sarah Kay gives a much better description than I ever could ‘poetry that doesn’t wanna live on paper.’ It’s also worthwhile showing something along these lines to students when you start as many won’t have seen slam poetry before. How To Use It I won’t break this down into a unit…

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